Q: What do I need to use the portal?
A: EuRIS is a web application and can be accessed by any device (PC, mobile phone, tablet) with an internet connection through a standard browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.).

Q: Do I need an account to use the portal?
A: It is not required to have an account, as a lot of information on the portal is public and available to anyone. However, creating an account will make extra options available: to personalize the information you receive about your vessels, voyages and objects, set up automatic notifications, get better experience in using the Route and Voyage Planners or share information with others.

Q: Do I have to pay to use the portal?
A: No, the use of the system is free of charge.

Registration / user accounts

Q: How do I create an account?
A: This page will guide you through the registration procedure.

Q: Can I reuse my account from other inland shipping applications?
A: No, it is not possible to reuse accounts from other inland shipping applications at the moment.

Q: What do you mean by “Organization”, when I want to create an account?
A: The organization, or company, is in general the party that operates the vessel. You are required to enter this information, so we can make sure that you're the data owner.

Q: I am creating an account, but the organization/company I am a part of, already exists. How do I proceed?
A: You can ask your colleauge to invite you to join the organisation

Q: I don’t have an ‘organization’, how do I register?
A: You can skip this step in the proces, but it will not be possible to claim a vessel.

Q: How do I register or claim my vessel?
A: This page will guide you through the vessel claim procedure.

Q: What information is required to get registered into the system?
A: No specific information is required to create an account. If you want to claim a vessel, you will need an ownership certificate.
This page will guide you through the registration procedure.

Q: How long does it take until my vessel claim is approved?
A: We aim at approval within 2 working days. For vessels with a certificate that is issued by an authority outside one of the EuRIS partners, the procedure might take longer.

Q: What if I forget my password?
A: At this page, you can ask for a reset of your password. You will receive an email with a link to set a new password.

Q: Why do I only see my own vessels information?
A: Information on vessels is provided according to the privacy class. If you want to see information on other vessels, you can request this through this page.
The user that manages the vessel of your request will decide whether or not access to the vessel details will be granted.


Q: In what area does EuRIS operate?
A: EuRIS covers almost the entire interconnected inland waterway network in Europe. This includes the 7 main corridors (Rhine, Danube, Elbe, Moselle, Dunkirk-Scheldt, Amsterdam-Antwerp-Liège, Amsterdam-Antwerp- Brussels) and much more.
On this map you can find the actual covered network.

Q: Why are some parts of the network lacking?
A: The delivery of data is each partners national responsibility. Completing the final corners of the network is work in progress (e.g. Walloon region in Belgium, Port areas in Germany).

Inland waterways which are covered by maritime law are not implemented in EuRIS. It is planned to add some of those waterways within the COMEX2 project.
The german harbours are not governed by the federal waterways and shipping administration and are therefore currently not a part of EuRIS.



Q: How does EuRIS protect my privacy?
A: EuRIS takes the protection of privacy very seriously. You can read all about our privacy policy on this page.

Q: Will my data be used by other parties?
A: No, EuRIS does not share your data with third parties.

Q: Will my data be sold?
A: No, EuRIS is funded by the partnership authorities. EuRIS can be used free of charge and your data will not be sold to third parties.


Q: Can EuRIS also be used by recreational skippers?
A: Yes, the information on EuRIS is accessible to everyone. Information of interest like the operating times of locks and bridges, blockages or limitations of the waterway is publicly available.

Q: Is the entire recreational network also covered by EuRIS?
A: Some local parts of the recreational network might be lacking. Please contact your national authority for more information on this subject. You can get in contact via this page.

Q: Can I create an account and claim my recreational vessel?
A:Yes this works the same way as the commercial vessels


Other (national) systems

Q: Does EuRIS replace national systems and portals?
A: As for now, no national systems will cease to exist. However each country is responsible for their own systems. Please contact your national authority for more information on this subject.
You can get in contact via this page.

Benefits of the portal

Q: How do I benefit from EuRIS?
A: Formerly skippers had to consult various websites and information sources to retrieve the relevant information, especially when travelling cross-border. EuRIS now offers one-stop-shopping for all relevant fairway and traffic related information by combining the shared data of 13 countries at one platform. Users can at any time collect information about severe blockages and the actual traffic situation on their sailing route, which mainly determine delays of their voyages.

EuRIS makes tailor-made information services available for the entire route that a skipper intends to use. Throughout each corridor, skippers gain insight in waiting times, incidents, disruptions or blockages that affect the travel time. By combining various data sources, the information for skippers is available immediately. Anyone can use EuRIS free of charge.

Q: Which services does EuRIS offer?
A: EuRIS provides a wide range of services:

  • Without registration:
    • Actual Fairway information:
      • Actual anonymised traffic image
      • Notices to Skippers
      • Actual hydrometeo information (water levels and discharges)
      • Actual bridge clearance and least depth information
      • Real-time object status (locks and bridges)
    • Fairway information
      • Fairway objects (locks, bridges, berths, terminals)
      • Rules and regulations
      • Inland ENC
    • Services
      • Route- and voyage planner
      • Open APIs
  • With registration extra options will become available to you:
    • personalize the information you receive about your vessels
    • personalize your voyages and objects
    • set up automatic notifications
    • ooptimize the use of the Route and Voyage Planners
    • share vessel details with others

The partnership aims at developing EuRIS further, also considering user feedback.

Q: How can I contribute to EuRIS
A: Inland waterway users themselves can make a major contribution to the success of EuRIS, and thus profit even more from the platform. In addition to the public information shared by the 13 waterway authorities, skippers and shippers choose which parties may have access to their data. As an example, a skipper can share his ETA or vessel position with his client or terminal, or even allow them to follow his entire voyage. The protected EuRIS environment ensures that the owner of the information always remains in charge of giving access to this information, to whom and for how long.

You can provide feedback on the portal via the this page.


My question is not in the list

Q: Help, my question is not in the list!
A: On this page, you can find how to contact your national Helpdesk. They will take care of your request.