Voyage- and routeplanner


The EuRIS voyage planner has 2 operation modes: a routeplanner providing the shortest route between two points and a voyageplanner enabling the user taking into account an ETD (Estimated Time of Departure), operating times of locks and bridges and possible limitations/delays/hindrances (Notices to Skippers) on the route. The start and end point of the route can be determined by clicking a location on the map or by searching for a location from a list. It is further possible to give more information like dimensions of the vessel, route points, type of vessel, etc.

Based on these input parameters you will receive one or two results - both the fastest and the shortest route will be calculated and visualised except the case there is no difference in the search results, then only one result is shown.

Note: please check the dimensions carefully. CEMT classes are for informative use only.
If you experience difficulties using the Route- or Voyageplanner, please contact us via the contact form

Location search

To use the planner and find the correct location, you may use one of the following methods:

A. Choose a location on the map:

1. Click on the "From" (or "To") pin 
2. Click on the desired location on the map
3. The name of the chosen location appears in the corresponding textfield



B. Choose a location by the name:

1. Type the name of the location
2. The first 15 locations with this name appear in a list (sorted on type of object)
3. Select the desired location (this step is very important) 



C. Advanced search options in case of more than 15 search results:

After clicking on “Please refine your search” you will be directed to a advanced search where you can use several filter options to find the correct location.